Thank you for your interest in contributing to Innews. Please follow these guidelines to ensure your submission meets our standards:
Content Requirements
• Original content only. No plagiarism.
• Articles should be well-researched and provide valuable insights.
• Word count: 800-1500 words.
• Proper grammar and spelling are essential.
We accept articles on various topics, including news, technology, lifestyle, business, sports, and entertainment. Please review our site to understand our content style and focus.
• Submit articles in Word or Google Docs format.
• Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission.
• Provide relevant images or links to images, if applicable.
Review Process
Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within two weeks. We reserve the right to edit articles for clarity, style, and length.
How to Submit
Email your submissions to with the subject line “Article Submission: [Your Article Title]”.