150th Anniversary of St. Patrick’s Church Celebrated in Aurora

The 150th anniversary of St. Patrick’s Church in Aurora was celebrated with a special Mass, emphasizing the church's role in community history.

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150th Anniversary of St. Patrick’s Church Celebrated in Aurora

One of the recent events happened this year in Aurora, is the celebration of the 150th anniversary of St. Patrick’s Church. On Sunday, the Most Rev. Salvatore R. Matano, the bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, conducted the anniversary Mass, and this event marked the importance of the church in the life of the community.

Since the foundation in 1874, St. Patrick’s Church located in a village recognized as a National Historic District, and in 1998, the church was granted a status of a village landmark. This anniversary Mass was a bright event celebrated in a joyful atmosphere. One of the heart-touching moments referring to the children’s giving the bishop’s gift to be used in Communion followed in Aurora, Empire. This can probably be explained by the strong connection of the generations, all the children, and the youth, in particular, with the church in the community, which causes eager and warm attitude toward the church event.

The celebration of the 150th anniversary is a great event that needs solemn and joyful celebration. At the same time, it remained an opportunity to commemorate past 150 years and inspire hope, similar to that experienced at the beginning of the church history, that St. Patrick’s Church will similarly serve in Aurora for the next 150 years.

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