A New Format for Carle Classic in Strands Puzzle

This week's Strands Puzzle introduced a Carle classic in a new format, incorporating a theme with a hint from a children’s book.

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A New Format for Carle Classic in Strands Puzzle

The fourth time Friday, corresponding to the fourth section of the week hinting Block News! This week’s Strands Puzzle, participants had a chance to see a Carle classic in a new format. One of the most traditional word-search-like puzzles we have encountered so far incorporated a theme, deliberately providing a hint in the form: A very hungry children’s book.

Thanks to the provided hint, we were able to find these, including SALAMI, APPLE, and WATERMELON, which we recognize from our children’s reading. However, the most interesting part of the puzzle was the spangram HUNGRYCATERPILLAR, which forced us to connect letters across the puzzle – an interesting switch from your traditional word search. This fourth session not only became a brain teaser but rather a trip to our childhood, allowing us to enjoy the background experienced by many while reading a book in a new format.

All in all, as the puzzling continues to advance, it is an intriguing opportunity for many puzzle enthusiasts and literary fans, as Strands allow innovatory approach to integrating the literature and word games and, therefore, making the interested target audience even wider.

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