August's Sturgeon Moon: A Super Blue Moon Event

Scheduled for August 19th, 2024, the Sturgeon Moon will not only be a supermoon but also a rare blue moon.

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August's Sturgeon Moon: A Super Blue Moon Event

You'll want to remember the date as the second of three full moons, known as a complete Sturgeon Moon, is scheduled to light up skies on Monday August 19th2024. This is no ordinary full Moon, however — it's a super blue Moon. Hence, the moon will be full from August 18 in the afternoon until at about 2:30 p.m. on August 19 when it achieves its check culmination of enlightenment (this time is for Brasília).

The Sturgeon Moon, in reference to the giant sturgeon fish that used to be found in abundance under late-summer skies across much of North America near gigantic colonies during the hot period when it occurs on August 29–31 and is set last neap equal at a half minutes total lunar eclipse for recent super moon. As a result, it will seem about 14% bigger and almost 30% brighter in the sky to made its way closer of Earth. A supermoon is an optical phenomenon that happens when the moon takes its closest point to Earth within a given orbit, making it appear in increased size and luminousitude.

What makes this full moon more special is that it will also be a blue moon, commonly defined as the third of four full moons in one season. This time, despite the name of Blue Moon; there will be no color change in moon with may it can look red. Atmospheric conditions—namely summer haze and dry air that scatters light, making the moon appear reddish—and height are likely to blame for this unusual color.

Those searching for the optimal view should keep their eyes cast toward the Southeast side of your location after sundown on August 19th. By picking this time, you are observed to see the moon ascending with dazzling and possibly drift apparent presentation.

The fact that they are both a blue moon and supermoon is very rare, so the excitement among astronomers as well as sky watchers alike. These events are not only beautiful, but very unique in the way it allows one to observe and photograph different moon atmospheric conditions.

On the night of Aug. 12, local astronomy clubs and observatories may hold events or observing nights which can provide a great way to experience this amazing astronomical event in community with others while learning more about it as we near the date. An event NOT to be missed, weather you're an avid Astronomer or not This Sturgeon Moon next month promises to put on a show for the casual sky watcher in all of us.

That said, remember that how impressive the full moon appears in part depends on local weather and atmospheric clarity. You might just be in for one of the most awe-inspiring sights this side of natural phenomena — if only the skies cooperate!

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