Bizarre 1904 St. Louis Olympic Marathon's Deadly Run

The 1904 St. Louis Olympic Games featured a bizarre marathon with dangerous conditions, including minimal water and chaotic traffic.

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Bizarre 1904 St. Louis Olympic Marathon's Deadly Run

One of the most bizarre marathons in Olympic history was held during the 1904 St. Louis Olympic Games which were eccentric in the first place. As described by Adam Kloppe, a public historian with the Missouri Historical Society, the marathon there stood out for the weird and dangerous conditions. The course consisted of multiple laps, one of which passed through what is now Washington University’s main campus. Apart from the contenders, this route was open to everyday traffic, adding dust and chaos to the run.

The competition started in the sweltering August heat, and there were only two water stations along the entire course. This caused many athletes to drop out, but the winner, Thomas Hicks, was revived with egg whites, strychnine, and a little brandy given to him by his trainers, as reported by Florence Fabricant. Apart from this deadly marathon, the 1904 Olympics were crazy for many other reasons, including the “sports” of boxing and freestyle wrestling. All in all, these games left a quirky legacy that fascinates many sports historians.

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