Celebrate International Cat Day with Your Beloved Pet

Recognize the beloved house cat on International Cat Day and its role in human history, and the benefits to mental health.

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Celebrate International Cat Day with Your Beloved Pet

The special event for all cat lysistratas all over the world is happening today, on the 7th of August, 2024 – it is International Cat Day. The event was established in 2002 by the International Fund For Animal Welfare and some other animal rights organizations. These organizations decided to recognize one of the most beloved animals in history – a house cat. It must be mentioned that cat-keeping first started in the Near East or the eastern part of the Mediterranean when agriculture began.

To date, there are more than 500 million cats worldwide. Cats have long been part of human civilizations for their human counterparts, which use their excellent tracking and hunting skills to ward off pests and vermin that threaten their food supplies. However, the benefits of cats becoming pets go beyond mere companionship. Studies have shown that cats can have a dramatically beneficial effect on people’s mental health and can help improve symptoms of depression and stress, as several US states declare cats their state pets: Massachusetts; California; Maine; Maryland; Minnesota; New Hampshire.

Let’s take the chance to thank our cats and appreciate and enjoy the many ways that these marvelous animals improve our lives, so let your kitty know that you appreciate their amazing work and sacrifice! Ways to celebrate involve lots of pets, gifting them with something special, playing with them, and offering them the usual quality time. To find out more about this event, use the #InternationalCatDay2024 to search for more fun and related activities on your favorite social media sites.

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