Chaplain Fr. Paul F. Murphy Injured in Stabbing Incident

Fr. Paul F. Murphy, a chaplain in the Defence Forces, was injured in a stabbing at Renmore Barracks, Galway, sustaining serious injuries.

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Chaplain Fr. Paul F. Murphy Injured in Stabbing Incident

Fr. Paul F. Murphy, a reverent chaplain in the Defence Forces, was critically injured in a stabbing attack at Renmore Barracks, Galway, late Thursday evening. During the attack that happened minutes before 11.00 pm, the reverend chaplain was stabbed with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. The 52-year-old chaplain has been one of the central figures at Barracks since 2014. The priest, born in Waterford, has built his career, dedicating his time and service to the troops, making him a beloved man by the soldiers.

Fr. Murphy was ordained in 1996 and has been part of the Defence Forces for a long time with his roles including overseas visits to Irish troops, including the ones in Syria and Lebanon. Briefly, he not only offers pastoral care to the Irish troops but also provides adequate support to their personal and professional lives. Fr. Murphy has also played a crucial role in the previous international military pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Despite the attack, the soldier’s service was beneficial since several colleagues and troops continue to identify with him.

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