Chloe Ayling's Kidnapping Case and Its Aftermath

The 2017 kidnapping of Chloe Ayling in Italy led to widespread skepticism and media scrutiny, despite the eventual conviction of her abductors.

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Chloe Ayling's Kidnapping Case and Its Aftermath

One of the most notable events that happened in 2017 is a notorious kidnapping incident of British glamour model Chloe Ayling. A 20-year-old girl claimed that she was abducted in Italy under the pretext of participating in a photoshoot and brought there in the boot of a car while being poisoned. However, the suspicions of the people were raised, as she was spotted several days after the incident laughing and riding a convertible with one of her presumably kidnappers. As Ayling was present at the TV show “Good Morning Britain,” the host, Piers Morgan, addressed the question, which the young woman replied that “It’s you saying I was smiling and laughing — I cope with things by smiling and laughing, it’s one of those things to survive.”. Nevertheless, the earlier incident had not added any positive light on her situation, leading to a vast degree of skepticism and bullying around the newspapers. Even though it seemed that the discussion was over, some people remained confident that the entire situation was a lie influenced by the girl’s profession.

It seemed that there could be no absolute forms of evidence that girl’s statements were right until the court of Milan has found, Lukasz Herba and his brother Michał Herba, guilty with Lukasz receiving 16 years, and the latter getting 14-year imprisonment. Even though the punishment was later diminished, it was proved that the kidnapping case, in fact, has taken place, finally freeing the young woman from the burden of accusations.

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