Cierre Wood Sentenced to Life for Child's Murder

Cierre Wood, ex-NFL player, sentenced to life with parole possibility after ten years for murder and child abuse.

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Cierre Wood Sentenced to Life for Child's Murder

The former professional footballer Cierre Wood has been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after ten years after pleads of guilty to second degree murder and felony child abuse. The sentencing was scheduled in a Las Vegas court where Clark County District Court Judge Jacqueline Bluth also forced Wood to serve an additional 28 months to six years for the child abuse charge. The sentences are to be served consecutively.

Wood, 33, is a former NFL and Canadian Football League running back who entered an ‘Alford Plea’ that helps to maintain his innocence while conceding that the evidence presented would likely lead to a conviction. The Alford Plea was part of a deal with prosecutors to allow the former footballer to plead guilty and avoid related felony charges that were dismissed as a result.

The charges result from the murder of his girlfriend’s daughter, La’Rayah Davis, five, who died from blunt force injuries on the 9th of April, 2019, in Wood’s Las Vegas apartment, Nevada. The child’s mother, Amy Taylor, had also pleaded guilty in July earlier this year to similar charges and was sentenced in March. The results of the conviction and sentencing have garnered significant interest after the murder of a child and the plea of guilty by the former sportsman.

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