College Football Rivalry Turns Into ‘Darts Only’ Meme War

The college football preseason heats up with a playful online rivalry between the Colorado Buffaloes and the Arkansas Razorbacks.

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College Football Rivalry Turns Into ‘Darts Only’ Meme War

The college football preseason is hot not only figuratively but literally after the lighthearted online confrontation between the Colorado Buffaloes and the Arkansas Razorbacks. It all started with a video of practice, in which some fans doubted the genuineness of the landing of the ball after a completed pass. The video’s caption assured that ‘Darts Only’ was the case with the team, referring to a straight, deft, and accurate throw at a target. While Colorado was enjoying the feedback of the viral, the Razorbacks quickly responded with a meme, however, somewhat exaggerated, in which the throw takes place from the goalpost, and the distance covered by the ball is several hundred meters. However, the throw gets precisely to the stadium in Colorado.

Thus, Arkansas proved to be not only quick in drawing up memes, but also in following the trend of ‘Darts Only.’ Over the following day, parody thematic posts began to appear on social networks, they sprinkle their wit, turning the seemingly funny phrase into a wild meme. The teams continue to prepare for the season during the summer, while the sports community has already felt an additional bit of rivalry and excitement from this comic confrontation, which at times proves that rivalry can be fun.

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