Dan Bilzerian Criticizes Israel's Denial of Armenian Genocide

Dan Bilzerian criticized Israel for not acknowledging the Armenian Genocide, highlighting a global double standard.

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Dan Bilzerian Criticizes Israel's Denial of Armenian Genocide

The latest drama, which was published by Armenian American entrepreneur and social media influencer Dan Bilzerian on the #PBDpodcast (Presented By Patrick Bet-David), hit home in their contradictions earlier this month. Bilzerian, an influential figure who is regarded for his uncensored remarks and thousands of fans to boot, used the platform in order to comment on what he considers a puzzling double standard among past genocides honored.

In the podcast, Bilzerian (who is of Armenian heritage) reflects on how unfortunate it was that Israel won't acknowledge 1915 as an Armenian Genocide. He married this denial with Israeli Holocaust references, saying: "They always talk about the Jews and pretend like they make reference to the Nazis – a bunch of (expletive) race supremacists — when in fact their own whole country is based on apartheid, racism; it's just shocking that nobody completely hold them accountable. The sentiment behind his powerful words reflects an even deeper synergy among many in the Armenian community; feeling that their historical suffering is often sidelined or downplayed on a global scale.

Bilzerian also slammed Israel over its refusal to acknowledge history, which he suggested was simply hypocritical. “Adolf Hitler, before he did what he was going to do, says who remembers the destruction of the Armenians or something like that — we’re not supposed to talk about it,” said Baghdassarian. “They can’t acknowledge our genocide AGAINST HUMANITY [sic] because you know why? This claim speaks to an ongoing conversation on the politics of genocide recognition and what it means for communities that continue to seek closure and international validation of their historical pain.

The influencer used delicate phrases to deal with the remedy of Palestinians as he accused Israel of genocide in Gaza. That dovetails with his more general criticism of Israel's version (which he considers selective) of history, and the effect it has on regional politics/relations.

While most agree Bilzerian is completely right, his comments have been the talk of social media and global geopolitical circles alike. They point to the convoluted nature of Middle Eastern geopolitics and enduring legacies when it comes to memory and justice. Given his broad global following, Bilzerian’s words can have a big impact on how the public comes to regard and discuss these important topics.

What effect, if any these comments might have on the mainstream image or professional relationships of Bilzerian is yet to be seen especially in areas where his remarks could fall into dispute. But his bluntness on such touchy subjects may ensure that he remains a polemical oracle within the broader public debate over global history and human rights.

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