Danny Hart Praises the Best DH Track Ever

Danny Hart, an experienced rider, praised the track at the European DH Championships, calling it 'awesome' and 'the best DH track ever'.

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Danny Hart Praises the Best DH Track Ever

This year’s European DH Championships had turned into a show similar to a mini World Cup, and it was exciting. The organizers did a great job because the championship place is going to host the 2025 world championships. Danny Hart, an experienced rider who won the championship, had praised the track. He considered it ‘awesome’ and ‘the best DH track ever’. Besides, the rider rode earlier in 2011 but identified significant improvements. Thus, it is a sort of preparation for the next year’s World Championships that could be even more spectacular than this.

There is high-quality coverage of the event on YouTube. Thibault Laly and his FullAttack team are present there filming video updates. As a result, anyone can get graphic examples of the riding and training sessions. Moreover, the event’s atmosphere is indeed thrilling and looks impressive, although it is only a European championship, because of the strong and powerful riders.

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