Ed Slater's Passionate Appeal for MND Awareness

Ed Slater's passionate appeal aims to raise awareness and funds for Motor Neurone Disease.

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Ed Slater's Passionate Appeal for MND Awareness

The heart of Gloucester welcomed both the community and rugby fans as former player Ed Slater launched a passionate appeal from the saddle of a bicycle. Diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in just 2022, the former Gloucester Rugby back-row-forward’s meditative call came during the “Ride Against Time,” an event that began as a tribute to his career by his former teammate Billy Twelvetrees. However, terrified that without such constant pressure, one day those suffering from the condition may just be forgotten, the event continues its mission to raise awareness about MND. It ranges an epic 350 miles in just 24 hours and aims not just to raise some of the essential funds to accelerate the pace of the MND cure but to illustrate how pressing this need is.

Although all individuals in Great Britain may be affected, it is the rugby community that appears to be predominantly dealing with this devastating and fast-developing condition such as MND. For instance, rugby players Doddie Weir and Rob Burrow have both received MND diagnosis and, since then, have managed to raise millions to support research. In addition, the “Ride Against Time” event is not the only example to illustrate the sport’s response to such a discouraging experience: its participants have been joined by current club night Lewis Ludlow and Fraser Balmain and has passed the Mattioli Woods Welford Road; Joe Marler and Jamie George have committed to follow the same route later. Moreover, since Doddie Weir was able to make the government contribute £50 million as part of his “MND Doddie5” appeal, the community is determined to see more speedy response from the relevant stakeholders.

The main factor which spurred such strong reaction are the links establishing between the frequent concussions while playing rugby and the possibility of developing MND at some point. The comprehensive studies of immunohistochemistry and tau protein neuropathology refuse to give a direct answer, the evidence connecting head trauma to MND is mounting, and certainly, the Rugby community prefers to err on the side of caution. The “Ride Against Time”does not just activate its participants but draws the attention of the crowd and illustrates the power of sports and community efforts. Hopefully, it will prove enough to help Ed Slater to stop fearing that one day all of the affected individuals will be forgotten.

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