Elizabeth Banks Stars in Skincare Comedy-Drama

Elizabeth Banks plays Hope Goldman in Skincare, a film about rivalry in the beauty industry, showcasing a dramatic and comedic narrative.

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Elizabeth Banks Stars in Skincare Comedy-Drama

The new IFC Films production “Skincare” is a comedy-drama with Elizabeth Banks in the main role. This intriguing film tells a fictional story inspired by real events of the rivalry between two quasi-celebrities whose cosmetic mansions are standing across the street from each other. In the story, Banks plays the role of Hope Goldman, the self-made queen of the skincare industry, a true mogul of her time whose pa empire gradually becomes toppled by overwork. The arrival of a new contact neighbor, a Mexican man in a tight suit nicknamed Angel, played by Luis Gerardo Méndez who is perfect for such a role, across the street, accelerates the progress of losses.

Hope cannot find a place for herself when she not only begins to fall into financial plight but also experiences painfully the shamelessness of her neighbor, smartly advertising himself to her customers. The situation reaches its limit when an unknown hacker publishes a dirty letter to the whole world from Hope’s account. It was at this moment that the mogul decided to arrange a shake-up for both herself and the system, seeking help not only from the life coach but also from the mechanic. The director was a famous music video maker Austin Peters, which explains the unusual trait in this work. “Skincare” is a film that manages to successfully combine the atmosphere of comic gaiety with exciting drama. The rollercoaster of life vividly shows how sometimes unexpected actions of other people can dramatically affect our plans. The role of an eccentric housewife perfectly suited Banks and is likely to attract viewers with its vivid plot.

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