Emergency Services Tackle Fires in South Dublin

Emergency services tackle two significant fires in south Dublin, impacting a building in Ballyboden.

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Emergency Services Tackle Fires in South Dublin

Dublin Fire Brigade is facing two sizeable fires in south Dublin, with emergency services currently spread everywhere to contain the blazes. Based on the reports, the larger of the two fires has affected a vacant former Augustinian building on Edmondstown Road in Ballyboden. This facility was unattended for some time and had not been in use for some years; at the same time, it had been a significant part of the community’s life. Moreover, it was planned to be demolished to provide space for a new residential development. However, this plan did not prevent some locals from being upset as they watched the old-style local building they were used to see catching flames.

According to the article, the fire brigade was reported around 8:20 pm, and there were five fire engines sent to the scene. The fire brigade was using a turntable ladder, pouring water on building from above. The efforts of the Dublin Fire Brigade seem to be paying off, and the fire appears to be contained, yet they are ready to be busy with it throughout the night. At the same time, the objects of concern are located close to the A475 and not far from a big road, several dozens of houses, and the newly built primary health care centre, causing for the road to be closed and used for diversions.

At the same time, in Twiging, another fire is raging; again, it is caused by a derelict building in this case. It is hard for the firefighting brigade to contain it as well, and three fire engines are involved. The efforts are complicated by the winds making the flames stronger and carrying the smoke to the area of Rathfarnham. Such conditions result in the advice for the inhabitants to close windows and doors to prevent the development of smoke.

The fires that happened that day are not merely dangerous and hard to contain; they draw attention to the pressing issues related to the development of urban areas and the general neglect of meaningful community values. The issue in the Ballyboden site was planned and related to the attitude towards the abandoned building. It has been in many people’s lives, but, at the moment, it posed a threat to the safety of the local population. In this case, the fire is a disaster at least partly caused by the community. However, it does reflect the general issues of derelict buildings and the pressure with the developers seeking from the city to build apartments whenever and wherever possible.

Such residential buildings often go in conflict with the history and community values of the place, standing unattended in the environment that developed around them and not desiring any change. Meanwhile, the issue of Twiging is also relatively complex, showing that it is easier to build a new building in the place of an old one, yet the degeneration poses numerous issues of local concern. The sentiment is best expressed by Maria Kelly, who remembered the facility in its most beautiful state. She stated “we all used to love getting married from there.” The city has forsaken the building, yet the developers were not yet there, and the community relations to the site should be the matters of concern for everyone who approves of the planned changes. At the very least, these incidents are likely to encourage the boil that is the issue of derelict buildings and the response to it. In general, it would not be an odd step as such facilities always provide a serious threat in the areas packed with an excessive number of residential and commercial buildings.

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