Gena Rowlands Passes Away at 94, Beloved for Her Roles

Gena Rowlands, known for her role in 'The Notebook,' died at 94, surrounded by her family in California after a battle with Alzheimer's.

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Gena Rowlands Passes Away at 94, Beloved for Her Roles

Gena Rowlands, an iconic actress who became beloved due to her outstanding portrayal of Allie in “The Notebook” has passed away at the age of 94. She died at her home in Indian Wells, California, surrounded by her family who loved her very much: her husband Robert and a daughter, Alexandra Cassavetes. Her son Nick Cassavetes, who, ironically, directed “The Notebook” and the actress’s family were caring for her and barely left her side during her last days. Rowlands’ demise is incredibly painful and powerful too, not only because of her exceptional talent and cherished films but also because of a combination of coincidence and art.

The subtext of “The Notebook,” the ultimate love story, and the knock-out hit of 2004 and later, is the progressively spreading disease of our age of humanity. Her son, Cassavetes, said in early July that Rowlands had been suffering from Alzheimer’s for the past 5 years. Despite such a hateful coincidence, the character of the actress was especially alive in the frame of this sad plot. There was real, personal sorrow on her face because in real life, her mother also suffered from mental illness. Gena Rowlands’s character, who on the screen knew what it is to not to be aware of who she is or what surrounds her due to the disintegration of the brain, has become one entirely dependent and a little like the child, the real mother of the actress. The actress leaves with humanity and cinema a number of high-quality films where she played a tragic character, which undoubtedly could not fail to touch even the soul of a stone. That is the way Gena Rowlands, and her personal sacrifice for our benefit, will be remembered with respect and love.

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