Glory is Denzel Washington's Top-Rated Film

Glory, regarded as Denzel Washington's best movie, tells the story of an all-Black volunteer company during the American Civil War.

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Glory is Denzel Washington's Top-Rated Film

Denzel Washington is a well-rounded actor whose career is a proof of that. Over the years, he played roles in different movies, from action-packed thrillers and dramas to profound historical stories and romantic comedies. This way, it is difficult to choose the ‘best’ movie, where Washington played the most memorable role since they all have something special. However, a lot of people and fans regard “Glory” as the best movie. The film tells the story of the American Civil War, though it focuses on an all-Black volunteer company who must fight their way behind Confederate lines and take Fort Wagner, where their attempts to assault the beachhead were met with a fierce rebuff and high casualties.

The movie is Washington’s highest-rated on Rotten Tomatoes owing to an Academy Award that he received for his role, and it, in fact, ranks first in the total rating of Washington’s films at this website. Nevertheless, the fact is that the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes are quite simplified. Reviews are counted as ‘fresh’ or ‘rotten,’ and this approach does reflect the common critical sense but generalizes reviews too much to show all nuances. In addition, the final general rating may not be the exact average of critics’ assessments.

Thus, fans and people who want to see examples of Washington’s filmography should not rely on these ratings only. The best option is to stay and read some of the published reviews and analyses, which give a better insight into the quality of the product.

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