Hannah Lynch and Family Perish in Sicilian Yacht Disaster

Hannah Lynch and her father perished in a yacht disaster off Sicily, marking a tragic event in the tech world.

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Hannah Lynch and Family Perish in Sicilian Yacht Disaster

Mike Lynch, a renowned British technology entrepreneur, lost his life when the yacht she was in capsized during a heavy storm off the coast of Sicily. Hannah Lynch, his daughter, also lost her life in the accident. The 59-year-old Mike Lynch was recently acquitted of fraud charges in relation to the sale of his company, Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard.

The Yacht by the name Bayesian was carrying 12 guests and 10 crew members when the disaster struck. The storm hit the yacht while off the coast of Fira, Sicily. Maybe due to a waterspout, the boat sunk very fast. So far, the emergency services have said that they rescued 15 crew members and guests. According to sources, the crew members rescued include Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares. Unfortunately, the other seven passengers, including Lynch and his daughter, were not.

The sinking of the Bayesian yacht and consequent death of those on board is a big loss. Firstly, the Tech world will feel it because it is losing one of the pioneers of the course in the whole of Britain. Secondly, there is need to establish what went wrong, hence advise on the safety of Yachts in case of extreme weather conditions. Some people have speculated that there is a lot to carry out on large yachts to secure them. For instance, the yacht sunk, and the passengers were not in a position to survive apart from a few. Thirdly, the legal battle which Lynch had gone through and won had attracted the attention of many people.

So, it is calling for caution in the manner in which such big trials should be conducted or reported. The death of Mike lynches in a Yacht disaster off the coast of Sicily is a tragic end to a case which would ignite the social media with its ripple effect. The other victims of the storm on the boat and off the coast of Sicily should also not go forgotten. It sounds unfortunate that all the passengers and crew members on board lost their lives through such a tragedy.

Perhaps they should have been advised more and forced to act prepared to take such a journey. Probably all the passengers and crew members should have put on lifesaving jackets at the time they were sailing. It is a big loss to Lynch’s wife, who was within the lucky crew that was rescued. It is evident that she will not have any reason for enjoying physical and social life without him.

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