John Bolton Discusses Trump's Disconnection from Truth

John Bolton, former National Security Adviser, discusses Donald Trump's unique approach to truth, highlighting his disconnection from reality.

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John Bolton Discusses Trump's Disconnection from Truth

John Bolton, the former National Security Adviser during the Trump administration, has recently shared a shocking viewpoint regarding Donald Trump’s approach to truth-telling. The official served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and is a known prominent politician. In a conversation with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, he noted that the incumbent’s connection to the truth may not be recognizing whether something is true or false. Bolton proceeded to explain that “people who talk about lies versus truth are completely missing the point because in Trump’s world, he’s made it up as he goes along,” highlighting that the president has a “habit” of defining the reality he desires.

Trump made these remarks during the Mar-a-Lago press conference, inviting the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris for a debate. He also made a series of assertive comments about Hillary Clinton’s alleged actions during the 2016 election. Those extreme comments contributed to the conversation on Trump’s connection with what’s real for him, not meaningful for the world around him as seems evident in his style of politics.

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