John Cantlie Speaks on Aleppo in ISIS Hostage Video

John Cantlie, an ISIS hostage, speaks in a video about Aleppo, claiming forces acted as infidels and questioning the objectivity of the authors.

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John Cantlie Speaks on Aleppo in ISIS Hostage Video

Act of fury, Comment, ISIS Hostage John Cantlie Speaks: Message from Aleppo,. The Guardian. Retrieved from

In the video named Message from Aleppo, which was presumably recorded by ISIS hostage John Cantlie, the authors claim that the forces of Bashar al-Asad acted as infidels in Aleppo. To tell the truth, I did not believe the authors of the message because John Cantlie looked unusually relaxed. Furthermore, the houses that were shown by Cantlie did not look like properties recently damaged or under siege.

In my opinion, it is hard to believe both the words of the hostage and the author’s objectivity. It seems that the message was spread by ISIS militants who were trying to destabilize the situation in Syria. Indeed, the message was heard around the world, and it refers to the distinguishing feature of all acts of terrorism. It is impossible to evaluate each situation from each side because some information should remain secret.

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