Jools Lebron's 'Very Demure' TikTok Trend Explained

Jools Lebron's new TikTok trend, 'very demure,' has become a subtle but powerful statement on modesty, self-expression, and social norms.

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Jools Lebron's 'Very Demure' TikTok Trend Explained

Influencer and makeup artist Jools Lebron initiated a new TikTok hype with her “very demure” trend, which is an ironic combination of humor, catchphrases, and a meaningful life motto. Since it began on August 2, the hype has become not only a makeup tip – it was originally about controlling the moustache formed after the makeup, but it also turns into a manifesto of modesty and good manners adhered to by i in professional and public life.

The words “very demure” quickly caught on, especially for the female and LGBTQI + community, as a subtle irony regarding the society’s imposed requirements and stereotypes. A trans woman of color, Lebron, in her new trend, decided to reflect on the heavy attention with which groups that have historically been put to disadvantage have to put up with, and the “very demure” trend has become her quiet rebuttal of the usual social rules.

Thus, the “very demure” trend does not only become another aspect of the discussion on the freedom of self-expression and establishment of one’s identity but also reminds of how quickly the rules for communication in the virtual space are changing such that a post with several words, initially just a joke, is now turning into a significant social issue.

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