Jools Lebron's 'Very Demure, Very Mindful' Trend Impact

Jools Lebron's 'very demure, very mindful' trend has influenced fashion, business, and culture, raising concerns about social media's impact.

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Jools Lebron's 'Very Demure, Very Mindful' Trend Impact

Jools Lebron is a Chicago-based influencer whose videos and catchphrase “very demure, very mindful” have started a trending phenomenon across social media platforms and diverse industries. As it often happens with short catchy expressions, the phrase became a meme and a trend and has influenced fashion, business, and other things. The unique thing about it is its origin – Jools’s intention was to create an exaggerated impression of her femininity and dedication to “calm thinking.” Although both the start of the phrase and the path of its influencer have included significant elements of irony, the reappearance and expansion of the trend raise concerns in the context of social media and their impact on society, fashion, and culture.

Jools Lebron posted a series of videos on TikTok describing her vision of being very demure and very mindful in different life situations with a hint of exaggeration and a lot of humor in the tone of self-derision. The phrase became trending quickly, but nobody, including its creator, could predict the outcomes of the author’s and her creation’s success. The influencer is in the minority; she is a transwoman and says that she managed to finance the transition largely through the success of her service, as well as to visit the show RuPaul’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”. Jools also has business relations with a number of famous companies, such as Southwest Airlines or Verizon, and a category on Netflix that makes the whole category the most popular videos. It was probably difficult to foresee that, but someone had to get the benefits from the phrase created by the Chicago influencer. Subsequently, more people and companies began to talk about being “both demure and mindful,” including Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, and even NASA has introduced the Earth it photographs from space as “very demure, very mindful”.

The “very demure, very mindful” trend has diverse forms and signs. Some people who follow this path and promote it strive to be as “demure and mindful” as possible in a literal sense. Their total opposite does it by ironic parody and mocking the old-fashioned and even primitive manner of “feminine” behavior. The situation demonstrates the complexity and ambiguity of the role and consequences that social media trends can have for society. Of course, trying to behave as demure and mindful is realistically absurd, but promoting such behavior can only strengthen traditional stereotypes around upbringing, the role of women as housewives. Such a return to past centuries alarms and causes rejection and the need to put on a trend. Others follow the path of JRegressionuls, and we can hope that the number of the former will also increase.

More people will get to know the phrase “very demure, very mindful,” and it will not happen surprisingly quickly. Although the author finally managed to get a third-party request for its registration through the courts, the development and new varieties of the trend will definitely be interesting to observe and consider in the context of modern society and fashion. The ability of today to speak publicly and ironically about modern trends and the changes they bring in the mainstays of society and culture is an important tool and resource that should not be overlooked or ignored. Only by actively exchanging and shaping values we can achieve balance and justice, and I am sure that the evolution of the trend under consideration will definitely be useful and meaningful.

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