Josh Johnson's Impressive Passing Skills Highlight Game

Josh Johnson's accurate passing and playmaking skills were on full display in today's game, showcasing his value to the Ravens.

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Josh Johnson's continued accuracy with his passes was on display with an impressive 19-yarder to Keith Kirkwood today. Johnson is never afraid to make a play with his powerful arm and the pass he made today was right where it needed to be. With a bevy of targets all across the field at his disposal, Johnson has thus far been able to make the most of those opportunities and demonstrate once more that he is more than capable of holding his own as a member of the Ravens’ offensive rotation.

Johnson was also able to zip the ball straight through the coverage, showing exceptional playmaking with safe, reliable receivers. This could mean that Ravens’ order of utility in passing plays could look vastly different compared to previous years, a challenge that Johnson is more than well-equipped to take on. As the season continues, Johnson’s experience will no doubt become more and more relevant as the Ravens work to form a cohesive offensive strategy. Time will tell if Johnson can put those calling points and timing skills to use in the hopes of netting him a long-term roster spot, but as it stands, fans and analysts alike are excited to see what Johnson can do.

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