Kamala Harris Advised to Shift Talk from Inflation to Affordability

Frank Luntz advises Kamala Harris to replace 'inflation' with 'affordability' to better resonate with voters' day-to-day experiences.

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Kamala Harris Advised to Shift Talk from Inflation to Affordability

In a recent segment on “CNN News Central,” pollster Frank Luntz took note of the present political difficulties vice president kamala harris faces on the question of inflation. It is no secret that Luntz believes Harris needs to be more proactive in distancing her economic policies from the Biden administration as popular discontent grows over the rising costs that affect the day-to-day experiences of millions of Americans. If Biden is attacked on criticisms of “inflation,” Luntz advises, Harris should simply replace the term with that of “affordability.”

Luntz argues that the manner through which the inflation discussion is framed is not only detached from the public’s concerns; it is also laden with a distinct partisan character. The word “inflation” has no meaning in voters’ day-to-day lives whereas “affordability” when consistently raised in discussion frames their experiences of housing, healthcare, food, and fuel prices. Furthermore, Harris faces two major problems in her speech she is scheduled to deliver on Friday: the first is that she runs the risk of being attacked for being unable to control inflation. It is arguable that in delivering her speech she confronts head-on, and no holds barred, on the constitutive effects of policy popular perceptions.

Harris’ speaking out on the question of whether it is appropriate to turn to economic strategies to solve the problem of rising costs is of immense importance. If Harris masters a way to project her character to contrast from the Biden administration, it may pay dividends for her 2024 run when she runs in the general election. This could be especially important in places like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan where the effects of inflation often spread over nearly all demographic bounds for the Midterm elections.

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