Larry the Cat Nears End as Downing Street Prepares

Larry the Cat, a key figure at Downing Street, is nearing his life's end, with plans set for his death.

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Larry the Cat Nears End as Downing Street Prepares

Larry is now 17, an impressive age for a tabby cat and one who has seen the comings and goings of six British Prime Ministers. As Larry is nearing the end of his life, the document details who should be informed about the event: the leaders of political parties, the Cabinet Secretary, and the British Veterinary Association among others. A photograph of Larry, along with graphics, is attached to the press release, which Downing Street describes in texts as “the sad day”. The plan for announcing Larry’s demise has been ironically titled “Larry Bridges”, which was an allusion to one of the most meticulously rehearsed events in British life – the death of a monarch. Indeed, this reveals how attached Britons and the UK’s political elite, in particular, are to the street cat, which plays an important role in public life.

Larry once entered Number 10 as a pet for then Prime Minister David Cameron’s children. But he turned into much more. He exceeded both of his core constituencies and after the former PM’s departure, he stayed in his post, outliving both Theresa May and Boris Johnson, whom he served. Although it could hardly be defined as this, Larry was a well-established institution in the turmoil of elite politics and high staff turnovers. Apparently, the street cat has served Britons well beyond the need for a furry friend. Larry is a working mouser; he was meant to keep the official residence clear of rodents and be a sight for sore eyes for both Number 10 staff and the UK public.

Larry has a social media account, simply called “X”. A photo of Larry has recently been uploaded with accompanying text that wished the street cat be remembered with dignity when the time came. The text received over 2,000 likes and 322 retweets, and 279 Twitter users replied to “X”, many of them offering to launch a mobile game, honour the cat with a bronze statue, and even provide Larry a state funeral. Pet’s presence in the public is surely that important.

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