Liam Gallagher Delivers Electrifying Performance at Belfast

Liam Gallagher's performance at Belfast Vital showcased his enduring charisma and the undying love for Oasis music.

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Liam Gallagher Delivers Electrifying Performance at Belfast

Belfast Vital Boucher Playing Fields has just finished up, both Liam Gallagher the former Oasis front man performing among others and what a way to spend good time. OM revealing the performance from last year on 30th anniversary of the landmark set Definitely Maybe—in which Gallagher played every cut plus all its B-side highlights a long-lost nugget of classic-shitgroove in an Eno world and dialed back up to Rate-fastfull-reverse before dialing way down: roaring; snarling; just dripping with my oh, for nutha great day.

Event organisers were also treated to not only the presence of a nostalgic crowd and new listeners alike, but performances from local band Esmeralda Road as well the majestic return rock group Kasabian -adding an electrifying mood that was building all evening. Gallagher ran through the hits - 'Live Forever', Half The World Away' and Rock'n'Roll Star, songs he sang beautifully and unapologetically swaggered on throughout.

Photographer Justin Kernoghan was there to capture the electrifying energy of the evening, photographing both action on stage and crowd reaction. His snaps show a sea of roaring fans, reliving the experience and joining in with one of the most iconic albums from 'the 90s.

Nostalgia aside, this performance at Belfast Vital is another feather in Gallagher's post-Oasis career cap and proves a point worth stating: everyone loves Oasis these days because Oasis fucking ruled. Though the band has long since broken up, Gallagher still mesmerizes fans across the globe with his solo ventures and undying dedication to keeping Oasis' music alive for many more generations.

It was yet another indication of just how loved a rock and roll star Gallagher had become (and still remains) on the scene. Fan leaving the event suddenly found a fresh respect 'Definitely Maybe' and its significance to rock n roll. No matter where he goes on the road or how large and loyal his audience may be in any given region, Gallagher's continued concert activity serves as a constant refresher course to explain his place in musical folklore.

If he looks up, Liam Gallagher will see future tour dates and possible new music in the future. With the power to bring in large number of fans and blow away all who here him, it is easy to see why he has stood tall against a forever changing music backdrop. But to fans of Oasis and rock music as a whole, Gallagher's continued existence on the stage is a conduit through which runs both echoes from years gone by toward an uncertain future for rock.

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