Mariah Carey Faces Heartbreak as Mother and Sister Die

Mariah Carey reported the loss of her mother and sister, leaving her and her fans in deep sorrow.

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Mariah Carey Faces Heartbreak as Mother and Sister Die

In an appalling twist of fate, Mariah Carey reported that her mother and sister, Patricia Carey and Alison Carey, respectively, passed away during the weekend. The news has circled around the globe, shocking her fans and the entire musical industry at the same time.

In a statement to PEOPLE, Mariah Carey has informed everyone that her 87-year-old mother and 63-year-old sister have left the world, wrapped in a veil of sorrow and conflicting emotions. She said: “My heart is broken that I’ve lost my mother this past weekend,” concluding, “Sadly, in a tragic turn of events, my sister lost her life on the same day as well.” However, the girl did not reveal the details of their death, making the situation even gloomier and hard to understand.

Their relationships have never been simple or nurturing in a conventional understanding of such a word; however, they both had their number of care for Mariah. As it was stated in her memoir, The Meaning of Mariah Carey, “Mine with my mother was a complicated subject,” resonating as an “undeniable and magical disaster.” Even though people taught her to be thankful for her mom’s dedication, they had to be “prickly rope of pride, pain, shame, gratitude, jealousy, admiration, and disappointment.” Accordingly, Mariah Carey thanked her mother and respected that lady’s attempts to do the best.

Meanwhile, Mariah Carey’s relationships with her sister were even more aggressive and sustaining the trial threshold. It got so out of hand that just a few months back, in February, Alison Carey filed a lawsuit asking for $1.25 million after those disclosed in her sister’s memoir. They were about the accused giving the claimant drugs when she just turned 12 – a statement her sister denied. Andrea Greenhouse, Alison’s representative, declined to comment on these facts today, stating that the accused is willing to discuss the problem. Speculatively speaking, there are two possible solutions or explanations of this situation. On the one hand, the described can mean that Alison literally thinks that the prospective sum can cover all the moral damage. It is, unfortunately, likely given the costs of staying healthy and recovering from drugs via rehabilitation. On the other – she was, in the first place, trying to direct the attention and PR of the spotlight.

The reported situation makes one think about how dependable and — nor paradoxically — disappointing some members of one’s family can be. At the same time, however, it shows what families can do for each other and the potential path of restoring loses. There is no doubt that the days are getting harder and longer for Mariah; the only thing people can hope is that she gets through this dark period of her life. Things get better eventually, and every crisis and its perception passes.

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