Miriam Margolyes Supports Young Activist in Outback

Miriam Margolyes profoundly touched by a young activist's strength in Broken Hill, supports the 'Rainbow Shoelace' project against homophobia.

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Miriam Margolyes Supports Young Activist in Outback

In the last episode of “A New Australian Adventure,” actress Miriam Margolyes, visiting the Australian outback, was profoundly touched by the strength of a young activist who continued to oppose the severe circumstances in Broken Hill. During his stay in the outback, the actress met 14-year-old Abbie, the creator of the “Rainbow Shoelace” project, which supports victims of homophobia. Having a queer identity, Abbie could not conceal the disturbing cases of bullying and death threats, which horrified Margolyes. Reacting to the misfortune of an activist, the actress gave a training conversation, reinforcing her words of support by saying that Abbie’s bravery was crucial for the perverted world to change, “You are changing the world and you’re magnificent.” Shocked by the circumstances, the celebrity further contacted the school, writing a letter about the bullying to ensure the safety of Abbie, who had been severely affected.

The penultimate episode from the Australian travel series aroused mixed feelings and demonstrated the acuity of the problems of adolescents belonging to the LGBTQ + community. The most severe reaction to the unfavorable events was portrayed by Margolyes: the actress not only tried to assist the affected girl but also expressed her condolences to the school to protect the girl. At the same time, Margolyes’ stay in Broken Hill ended for the star in humor, which was marked by an amusing situation “feeding a camel”: the actress was unable to cope with the overestimated arrogance and left the bruised morass with dry hands.

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