Mount Etna's Spectacular Eruption Captivates Again

Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, erupted spectacularly on August 14, 2024, showcasing massive lava fountains and ash clouds.

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Mount Etna's Spectacular Eruption Captivates Again

Mount Etna, the most active volcano in Europe, which is located in Sicily, Italy, has attracted the public once again by another spectacular eruption. The event happened on August 14, 2024, in the evening when the Voragine crater of Etna had experienced a paroxysm. During the eruption, the highest lava fountains were observed, along with a massive ash plow that rose several kilometers into the sky.

According to CBS News, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Catania has reported that this event was the sixth eruption of such magnitude from the Voragine in 2024. The outbreak started at midnight and continued for several hours. During the episode, the lava overflew many times and went beyond the western border of Boco Nuovo. The huck rose up to 9.5 km and spread ash and lapilli over such cities as Pianovetra, Nicolosi, Ragalna, and Pedar. The population of Catania had also noted that the city was covered in a light ash rain. The event serves as another illustration that Mount Etna is one of the most diverse and dangerous mountains in the world. It is apparent that this phenomenon will continue to be one of the critical objects of studies between volcanologists in the future.

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