Nassau Humane Society Sets Up Mobile Clinic

Nassau Humane Society sets up a mobile clinic to offer spay-neuter services to tackle increased animal overpopulation.

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Nassau Humane Society Sets Up Mobile Clinic

Nassua Humane Society in setup mobile clinic to offer spay-neuter services due to increased animal overpopulation. The grant was supported by the Florida Animals Friend as stipulated on the licence plate adopted programme. The same grant has been helping the NHS to offer free spay-neuter services to the local programs such Cats Angels, Nassu county Animal Services, Saving Animals from eithanasia in Florida. The grant is expected to end on August and so, the mobile clinic intend to continue with its mission as from 2nd September 2024 when it is expected to put in pl a state of Art, mobile veterinary clinic. The mobile clinic is expected to provide low cost health care services which will include spay-neuter surgeries, vaccinations of all kinds, heartworm tests microchipping and other clinc procedures. Under the leadership of the NHS Executive director, Chantal Scherer, the community need tio continue supporting the ongoing and proposed services which is aimed at reducing number of shelters due to recorded increased number of admissions of the shelters in Florida.

For information and participate the noble cause, visit our website through www.nassauhumane/org or visit our Adoption center at 639 Airport Road, Fernedina Beach.

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