Netflix's September 2024: A Mix of Old and New

Netflix's September 2024 lineup includes a mix of Netflix Originals and licensed films, catering to diverse tastes.

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Netflix's September 2024: A Mix of Old and New

With summer subsiding and fall closing in, Netflix is no exception in its ambition to bring something new to the table. September 2024 ushers in a mix of Netflix Originals and licensed films, focusing on a wide array of stories that are bound to appeal to different tastes.

Netflix Originals

At the top of the ‘new’ list is “His Three Daughters,” which is now available on Netflix and has already been claimed to rewards with adulation, being awarded a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes. The drama stars Carrie Coon, Natasha Lyonne, and Elizabeth Olsen and is about three sisters who are settling their affairs after their father’s death, spending time with him during his last days. The touching story about family reunion and reconciliation was released on the global scale on 20 September 2024.

For sci-fi enthusiasts, there is ‘Uglies’ by Netflix and released on 13 September 2024. The film features Joey King and is about a dystopian reality where children are required to alter their looks via surgery when they are sixteen to conform to the societal standards. Before that happens, Tally undergoes a chain of unexpected circumstances that undermine her view of her world.

The third Netflix original worthy of attention, particularly for those with a taste for history, is ‘Apollo 13: Survival’. The documentary tells a dramatic story of the notorious NASA mission 5-6 September, featuring the never-before-seen footage and full mission’s audio on Netflix.

Licensed Films

Among the licensed titles coming to the US Netflix screens in September, ‘I Used to Be Funny’ by Jim Ruel is noteworthy. The comedy-drama is about a young woman experiencing PTSD and doing stand-up and was released on 5 September is the US.

Fans of Western masterpieces are given two titles to look forward to on 1 September on the US Netflix: ‘3:10 to Yuma’ by James Mangold and featuring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale and ‘Henry’s Crime’ with Keanu Reeves in the title role.

Another movie the US residents can watch on Netflix on 7 September is ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ by Doug Liman. The sci-fi action movie features Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt and tells a story of a soldier forced to relive the same battle trying to win a war against alien invaders.

Netflix seems to be focusing on a combination of long-awaited movies with already well-acknowledged content from other sources. The pattern reinforces the constant growth of the platform’s audience and retention of current subscribers. In addition, the inclusion of several movies from different genres in the list of recommended screenings, both Netflix Originals and licensed, points to the streaming giant’s attention to diversity and provision of choices to cater to the tastes of different viewers. This often results in global appeal, which other streaming services may copy in their development of a personalized viewing schedule based on the recommendations provided.


Netflix’s September 2024 is filled with a mix of old and new, delivering diversity and a broad palette of films to cater to its growing global audience. While allowing its viewers to enjoy warm and emotional dramas, desperate dystopias, and historical documentaries, the streaming giant continues to evolve, keeping its audience on their toes in anticipation of what comes next and is destined to become one of the most popular cinematic occurrences of the year.

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