New Tentative Agreement Reached in Simcoe County

The County of Simcoe and its workers have reached a new tentative agreement, ensuring continuity of services despite previous strike threats.

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New Tentative Agreement Reached in Simcoe County

The County of Simcoe and its workers have reached a new tentative agreement. Earlier this month, a proposal was rejected by workers while the looming threat of a strike was present across the region of southern Ontario. Negotiations between the two parties have resumed and a new agreement has been reached on eariler today. A statement that was released on the county’s website late Friday afternoon read that the offer will be voted upon on the evening of August 22. Both the county and the union have also agreed to not take any actions of a strike or a lockout up until the end of the ratification process, allowing the residents of Simcoe County to continue to receive their services without any interruption in the coming weeks.

CUPE Local 5820’s president Wendy Monsinger confirmed her satisfaction of the work done so far. In spite of the agreement, the union has still maintained that fair wages must be put forward and the contribution of its members to the community recognizes range of county services members, which includes Long Term Care and Social Services, Solid Waste and Clearview Township paramedics. Wage increases must also be in line with soaring inflation and the increase in the cost of living in the region. The outcome of the ratification process, therefore, remain to be the most decisive indicator for the relationship between the county and its workers in the upcoming years.

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