New Zealand Charity Distributes Meth-Laced Candy

New Zealand authorities investigate an Auckland charity for distributing meth-laced candy, posing serious health threats.

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New Zealand Charity Distributes Meth-Laced Candy

As a matter of urgency, the New Zealand authorities are currently conducting an investigation into the provision of candy with methamphetamine by an Auckland charity. It has been confirmed by the New Zealand Drug Foundation that each of the distributed candies can contain about 300 doses of methamphetamine which threatens people’s health. These false candies, made in the form of yellow Rinda – pineapple, became part of the New Zealand food parcels given to about 400 individuals. The shocking fact was detected by the charity after the group of chosen ones complained about “a strange taste”; moreover, some of them felt adverse consequences, so the workers immediately submitted it for testing.

The police are involved in this situation and consider it serious because it can be an accidental slip, however, the range of options is not excluded. Therefore, they have reported the incident and suggested everyone holding these candies to report them. The investigation, which includes the work of the Interpol agents, aims to prevent this from happening in the future and punish the worker who violated the law.

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