Olivia Barnhart Awarded for Mental Health Initiative

Olivia Barnhart received a $5,000 scholarship for her community service project aimed at improving mental health awareness and resources.

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Olivia Barnhart Awarded for Mental Health Initiative

Local Girl Scout Olivia Barnhart Wins National Scholarship for Mental Health Project

Olivia Barnhart, a local Fayetteville-Manlius High School graduate and Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways member, has been awarded a Gold Award Scholarship. The young woman received a $5,000 scholarship for her original community service project, “Informing and Educating My Community on Mental Health and the Resources Available.”

The purpose of the project was to reduce the preconceptions surrounding mental health and improve its availability. The project included pamphlets and an online guide for the students in her school district, providing various aids and local mental services. Olivia also organized several school events in the community and facilitated the conversation with peers, as well as handed out bracelets to signify support for this cause.

The national award represents an important step for the organization called The Girl Scouts of the USA. The Girl Scouts aims to teach young women leadership and provide them with an opportunity to impact their communities. This event is a testament to the not-for-profit organization’s effectiveness in teaching women how to improve their surrounding neighborhood.

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