Scott Peterson's Fight for Justice Continues Amid New Evidence

Scott Peterson, convicted of murdering his wife, continues to claim his innocence. New evidence and the Innocence Project's involvement might change his fate.

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Scott Peterson's Fight for Justice Continues Amid New Evidence

Scott Peterson, the man convicted in the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, in 2002, has never stopped claiming he is innocent despite strong evidence proving the guilt. Despite being convicted of first and second-degree murder, Peterson’s fight for justice is not over yet since new evidence does appear. Most recently, the Los Angeles-based Innocent Project has taken on Peterson’s case.

Back in 2004, Peterson was sentenced to death, but this ruling was overturned. The California Supreme Court admitted serious errors during the jury selection process. This murky procedure has raised many questions among the experts. In the end, the Supreme Court overturned the death penalty, although not the conviction. As a result, Scott Peterson at the moment serves a life sentence in Mule Creek State Prison due to first and second-degree murder.

The Los Angeles Innocence Project is currently working on the case. As Jamie Locklin, the project’s Executive Director, insists, there are new pieces of information that are not compatible with the official murder theory. Moreover, the twigs and branches used to tie the deceased woman’s body are only present in the area because that was the day of outrage. The organization is investigating the leads, including possible links between Laci’s murder and a burglary in a nearby house.

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