Senator Rosen Criticized in New NRSC Campaign Ad

The new NRSC campaign ad criticizes Senator Jacky Rosen for her cooperation with the Biden-Harris administration, impacting Nevada's economy.

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Senator Rosen Criticized in New NRSC Campaign Ad

With the Senate elections in November moving ever closer, Senator Jacky Rosen finds herself on the hot seat as the new ad campaign by the National Republican Senatorial Committee went live. As a part of the $100 million campaign waged across the nation, Fox News Digital reported ‘the campaign entitled “Failed,” criticizes Rosen for her cooperation with the Biden-Harris administration’.

It goes on to state that because of Rosen’s legislative agendas, the administration was allowed to implement policies that put benefits of the illegal population before economic prosperity of Nevada families. The “Failed” campaign will be broadcasted across Nevada on various media platforms holding the senator accountable for setting the stage for inflated prices and incompetent immigration policies. This may become an asset for NRSC, as a Fox News Poll shows nearly half the party of Nevada repressing financially.

The senator’s aids have highlighted her work in the Congress as bipartisan and effective, presenting her as a moderative choice while pointing at her adversary, a retired Army Capt. Sam Brown, as a formidable opponent. As the campaign narrows down, the all-out effort to sway Nevada’s prospective voters will only escalate, with the key points of the next election being the economy and the illegal immigration, signaling the final turn of the political fate of the state.

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