Simon Harris Advocates Unity at Béal na Bláth Commemoration

Simon Harris condemns division and advocates for unity at the Béal na Bláth commemoration of Michael Collins.

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Simon Harris Advocates Unity at Béal na Bláth Commemoration

At the commemoration of Michael Collins’ death at Béal na Bláth, Co Cork, Taoiseach Simon Harris delivered a speech condemning the “demons of division and fear” of present political discourse. It is the 102nd anniversary since Collins was assassinated, having become a key figure in Ireland’s fight for independence, and the solemn commemoration was supposed to honor his memory.

Harris called Collins a “peacemaker”, who was a strong advocate for democracy and the consent of the people. Furthermore, he suggested that the conditions that Collins had to face are not too dissimilar from those the Irish face today. Harris argued that the emergence of permanent challenges that seem unspeakable and divisive is a substantial threat to democracy and peace. Specifically, misinformation and the far right taking over the symbols of a nation are condemnable, as they degrade democracy and peace in the country.

The speech criticized the far-right An Sciath Naisiunta and Clann Eireann for exploiting the symbols of the nation for division, particularly terrorism, given the context of the supposed public dissatisfaction with immigration. Harris expressly said that the narrative of Ireland was manipulated by the organization of patriots at the expense of immigrants and suggested that Ireland’s history of emigration makes the existence of immigrants somewhat ironic.

The Taoiseach suggested the people of Ireland refuse racism and hate, respect the law, and hold accountable those who are a danger to Ireland’s peaceful, democratic way of life. According to Harris, it is essential to remember not only the terrible way in which Collins died but also the great reasons why he lived. It is the responsibility of the people of Ireland to accept the challenge that faced Collins – the challenge to adapt and oppose so that innovators’ unity would continue to ring true. The effects for the future in this study include the reminder of the existence of extremist organizations and the importance of preventing them. This, in turn, is related to the creation and development of a national identity of unity rather than division, which includes rather than excludes. Also, historical hero figures’ ability to inspire future generations is an important trend.

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