Somerset House Fire Contained by London Fire Brigade

Somerset House in London suffered a significant fire, with flames and smoke visible. The fire brigade managed to contain the blaze.

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Somerset House Fire Contained by London Fire Brigade

Somerset House, the iconic neoclassical structure located in the soul of London, on the Strand, and known for its diversity of vibrant arts and cultural events, was the site of a large fire. Huge flames from the roof and clouds of smoke in the pitch-black sky significantly destroyed the building. This emergency landed Somerset house diverse units of the London Fire Brigade including approximately seventy fighters and ten fire engines and was successfully contained. The cause of the outbreak is being investigated but it is difficult to predict when there will be the results. One the facts, the incident occurred in the building when breakdancing took place, and there were scores of people who had come to watch it.

One of the issues of the incident is the concern of safety in cultural sites, especially if they are so crowded. Hopefully, the fire will be finally contained and the damage it cause will be assessed in the near future.

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