Southern Utah Director Mentored by Famous Filmmaker

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A significant career jump awaits Southern Utah native Caleb Hatton, who is about to start a personal mentorship under one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Werner Herzog. This fall, Mr. Hatton, a resident of St. George, will fly to the northeastern coast of Africa to attend the La Selva 3rd Film Accelerator, a prominent workshop. Super intensive training, as well as impressive competition, distinguish this course that thousands of people around the world want to attend, but only a few are lucky.

Hatton is one of just five Americans fortunate enough to be selected. With about fifty short films and one feature-length one called Chicken Coop, the artist has already made a successful debut in the film community. The massive stories such as Lord of the Rings have the most significant impact on his creative method, which is why his work is built on intricate human relationships and dramatic plotlines. For the Southern Utah resident, the work with Herzog is the most outstanding opportunity for him to move forward in films seriously. Moreover, these one month is going to be the most official and long-term training in art.

The accelerator is not only about studying film-making but also creating invaluable bonds, both within classmates and with Siegfried Herzog, Werner’s opera-director son. For Hatton, these connections can become a pass to international film festivals and the world movie industry in general. This year is especially noteworthy as it has a theme: showing gratitude to the residents of La Palma Island and their incredible example of human strength after a volcanic eruption. It is impossible for the films society in St. George to miss the success of one of it’s residents under Herzog’s tutelage. There is a strong possibility that this cooperation will not only make more people interested in Caleb Hatton but also expose more movie artists from Southern Utah to the international film-making community.

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