Stephanie Grisham Criticizes Trump, Supports Harris

Stephanie Grisham, former Trump press secretary, criticized Trump and expressed her support for Kamala Harris.

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Stephanie Grisham Criticizes Trump, Supports Harris

At the Democratic National Convention, the former White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, who served under President Donald Trump, expressed her support for vice president kamala harris. Grisham, having worked in several positions in the Trump administration, delivered a harsh speech where she harshly criticized the president she had previously publicly supported. She narrated various events of her past when working in the Trump White House, trying to convey to the audience who she believed the president to be.

In particular, Grisham claims Trump is a person devoid of empathy and honesty. Referring to Trump’s supporters as “basement dwellers,” she branded Trump a man who “mocks his voters” and a person “with no fidelity to the truth.” Such harsh attacks were part of a broader concept for the purpose of demonstrating Trump’s negative traits and then comparing them with what Grisham believes she sees in Harris.

The decision to express support for Harris was not easy; after all, the woman was not fired but resigned from her post after the tragic events of January 6, 2021, when she asked the former presidential wife, Melania Trump, to distance herself from the Capitol violence. That was the last drop for Grisham, who quit her job.

Such an announcement from the public servant and her former advisor, Stephanie Grisham, was accompanied by the thunder of applause as she ended her speech with the phrase: “I love my country more than my party.” Grisham thanked Harris and said that she was proud to support her, although the women did not have many points of contact in their ideological well-being as Grishman was a Republican.

In her speech, Grisham called Harris an honest woman who respects the American people, while alludes to Trump, who is not at all like that. Still, How is her public announcement influencing the overall situation? The fact that it happened during the Democratic National Convention amplifies its significance for the democratic party, but Grisham herself called on delegates to other Republicans to follow her example even before her speech. IsNot a new line of the US politics becoming more apparent when the national interests are starting to be placed before personal ones? Perhaps this is just the beginning of a series of such high-profile escapes from the ranks of the republican party.

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