Susie Wiles Targeted in Alleged Iranian Hacking

FBI agents investigate alleged Iranian hacking aimed at disrupting US campaigns, with senior adviser Susie Wiles among the targets.

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Susie Wiles Targeted in Alleged Iranian Hacking

It is worth mentioning that FBI agents investigate the alleged Iranian hacking that were expected to disrupt the Trump or Biden-Harris campaigns. It should be mentioned that the current results suggest that the senior Trump adviser Susie Wiles is among the targets. Sources close to the investigation, who might not be disclosed because of the sensitive nature of an ongoing probe, suggest that the extent of the cyber intrusion is not clear yet.

It is not clear whether the nature of cyberattacks was standard or they were trying to influence the upcoming presidential campaign in another way. The FBI inquiry in a sense is another confirmation of the danger that the United States is confronted with in terms of conducting its elections without a significant degree of interference from external players. It should be also mentioned that the investigation is still in progress. Agencies are trying hard to understand the tactics that were used, and potential flaws in Susie Wiles’s accounts or data. It implies that the situation is still not clear, and there might be changes to the given case. The example indicates that American campaigns are still fragile and not protected from international cyberattacks.

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