Tech World Mourns the Loss of Susan Wojcicki at 56

The tech world is shocked by the news of Susan Wojcicki's death, a former YouTube CEO who died from cancer at only 56 years old.

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Tech World Mourns the Loss of Susan Wojcicki at 56

The tech world is shocked by the sad news of an ex-CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, who has died from cancer at only 56. Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai expressed his deep shock on social media X, “Unbelievably saddened by the loss of my dear friend @SusanWojcicki. She Lived with cancer for two years and was a fighter.” Pichai added, “She is as core to the history of Google [and Alphabet] as anyone, and it’s hard to imagine how much we will miss such an incredible person, leader and friend.” There could be no comments more eloquent and heart-breaking for those who have known and collaborated with Susan Wojcicki. Neal Mohan, who replaced Susan Wojcicki as YouTube CEO, also expressed his sorrow, “Susan Wojcicki was my friend and a mentor for 17 years. She was the architect of DoubleClick acquisition, and her influence on YouTube’s and Google’s growth was impressive!” It is for her family and close friends’ sorrow and for a notable loss in the tech industry, paved by Wojcicki, that the death of Susan Wojcicki can be equally regretted.

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