Tim Walz’s Retirement Decision Sparks Vice President Debate

Tim Walz's decision to retire just before his deployment to Iraq has sparked a controversy as he was set to become vice president.

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Tim Walz’s Retirement Decision Sparks Vice President Debate

After Operation Enduring Freedom, the nation has yet another controversy to discuss. This time, it involves one candidate to the position of vice president, whom the governor of Minnesota picked up during his 2005 deployment to Iraq. I am speaking about the decision that Tim Walz made when he retired a few days before the actual journey, leaving his comrades to scrutinize why his replacement, Thomas Behrends, had to go instead of him. It was not the right decision, and I think I should speak out about that as well.

A retired command sergeant major and now was a farmer, Behrends, declared that he feels betrayed by Walz. In his interview, he called the retired governor a “traitor” when emphasizing that a warrior signing up for the military needs to understand what is meant by such a commitment during the country’s trying times. He has the right to feel this, for it was Mr. Behrends who had to go to Iraq instead of the person who prepared for the trip 15 months but changed his mind a week before the departure. This situation caused negative feedback from Walz’s former comrades who were present during the event credited to the military’s preparation and educators. It is even more discussed today when he was named a candidate for the vice president position as Kamala Harris’s other half.

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