Tragic Outcomes of Cosmetic Surgeries in Turkey

The tragic outcomes of cosmetic surgeries in Turkey have led to deaths and severe complications.

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Tragic Outcomes of Cosmetic Surgeries in Turkey

Over the several tragic events, which put a shadow on the flourishing of the cosmetic surgery tourism of Turkey, British people have experienced serious complications or even died. One of the last victims was 38-year-old Kaydell Brown who passed away during the cosmetic procedure at Clinic Expert in Istanbul. The cosmetic surgery, which comprised a tummy tuck, liposuction, and Brazilian butt lift, cost £5,400 for Brown. Unfortunately, she did not survive from the surgery, and when her corps was delivered to the UK, vital organs were not present there. Therefore, the death question is still open, and the relatives of Kaydell Brown are desperate to find out the truth. The temptation of undergoing low-priced surgeries and additional holiday offers, including five-star accommodations and thrilling activities across Istanbul, have made Turkey one of the most popular destinations for people willing to spend money on improving their appearance. Facing a stressful surgery and even being left disabled and overwhelmed with severe complications of heavy infections is something Sara Platt who has virtually lost her five limbs would not risk going for.

The British government and healthcare specialists have also raised their concerns regarding the growing number of people who decide to undertake surgeries in Turkey. The death cases of 20 British citizens who have died over the last five years after cosmetic surgeries in Turkey have certainly attracted the attention of various governmental bodies of the UK. The representatives of Clinic expert respond that despite these 20 people who have died in their Facility, considering the total number of surgeries they have performed, is still smaller than the percentage of death cases in the UK. Despite the fact that the statements of Clinic Expert have gained no sympathy from the grieving families or devastated patients, who suffer from randomly performed dangerous surgeries, and are left with nothing but scars, lack of organs, or even post-organism status these emphasizes show how these cases have fueled and contributed to the despair of the families following the loss of their relatives.

Thereby, the stories of Kaydell Brown, Sara Platt, as well as 20 other British citizens who have lost their lives while striving to enhance their beauty are sad examples, which demonstrate how critical it is to evaluate the risks of performing surgeries abroad. The temporary stay of a patient in a five-stars hotel, which is included in the packages such companies sell, will definitely not compensate for the risk of not seeing this person alive anymore at all. Times when unrecognized companies easily attract people using low prices and only through offering visit alegations are gone; however, the risks remain. The UK and Turkey should agree on the uniform international standards and their unbreakable enforcement.

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