Trump Claims Crowd Size Surpassed MLK at Jan 6 Event

Trump claimed the crowd at his Jan 6 speech surpassed that of MLK's, sparking debates and highlighting his plans for future elections.

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Trump Claims Crowd Size Surpassed MLK at Jan 6 Event

Former President Donald Trump is making headlines again, however surprising it may sound. At the recent press conference taking place at his Mar-a-Lago estate, the president claimed that the crowd of people who listened to his speech on January 6, 2021, exceeded the crowd of people who listened to martin luther king Jr. speak. This claim provides strong grounds for debates among people as the two days when the celebrations took place and the speeches were pronounced are two benchmarks in the history of the country.

The audiences of both events are estimated since it is impossible to count every head, and Trump’s claim is more about the hype created around rather than the actual crowd sizes. Additionally, he used the opportunity to announce that he would take part in the debates with vice president kamala harris as well as provide several claims on the current administration’s work that contrasts with his approaches to the most pressing issues such as economy and public safety.

In addition, the president reported that he had never heard Kamala speak in the media, which proves an already expressed idea that the former president has great plans for the coming elections and will stay at the top of media outlets and all the political processes.

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