Trump's Controversial Remarks on Military and Honor

Trump's statement comparing the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the Medal of Honor sparked criticism and highlighted his controversial military stance.

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Trump's Controversial Remarks on Military and Honor

During a campaign event dedicated to the fight against antisemitism in Bedminster, N.J., former President Donald J. Trump once again attracted the attention of critics to his attitude towards the military. Previously awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Miriam Adelson, was invited to this event: however, as The New York Times reports, Trump characterized this reward as “much better” than the Medal of Honor that received the wounded or late soldiers. After the controversial statement, the politician has been criticized by both Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans: in general, this situation proves once more Trump’s problematic attitude towards the martial forces and the man himself.

Those who manifested their criticism towards the politician argue that this is “part of a broader pattern of disdain for the military” expressed by Trump. The scandal occurred in a context where the ex-president self-portrayed himself as “an unrelenting supporter of the armed forces”. The reality may suggest a different opinion, which has become another cause for distrust among the public.

Such a resonance around the event once more demonstrates the extreme controversiality of military orders, as well as Medal of Honor’s recipients’ immense sacrifices made for their country.

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