Wisconsin Referendum on Allocation and Appropriation

Wisconsin voters decide on constitutional amendments affecting financial governance and power distribution.

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Wisconsin Referendum on Allocation and Appropriation

Wisconsin voters are to make a decision on two important constitutional amendments at the Aug. 13 primary election. The issues discussed are interconnected and can reshape the financial governance in the state. The proposed amendments are related to the roles of the legislative and executive branches in the appropriation of federal funds and the state’s expenditures.

The first amendment is the Delegation of Appropriation Power Referendum, and it aims at ensuring that the power to appropriate the state’s money is not delegated to any other entity except the legislature. The second one is the Allocation of Federal Moneys Referendum, and it suggests that the governor cannot allocate and accept federal funding without the approval of the legislature. The proposed changes have brought about a considerable debate.

In this respect, the organization that supports the amendment to these questions is the St. Croix County Republicans, and they consider it vital to vote ‘yes’ to restore order and accountability and provide political representatives with financial control. The Democrats, namely St. Croix Count Democrats, urge to vote ‘no’ warning that a ‘yes’ vote will further concentrate power in the hands of “MAGA politicians” (Republicansurgeyes), extending the checks and balances employed currently in the state. It is important to note that these issues raise a focused discussion as the election date is approaching.

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