Yahoo's Privacy and Cookie Policies Ensure User Control

Yahoo's privacy and cookie policies are designed to put users in control and ensure transparency across all its services.

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Yahoo's Privacy and Cookie Policies Ensure User Control

In the digital landscape, Yahoo is a major internet corporation that provides numerous websites and apps under both Yahoo and AOL, whereas yahoo advertising has also become an influential player. According to the privacy policy cookies to ‘better the experience’ for users are accepted to be placed on users’ devices by both Yahoo and its 237 partners within the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework. This collection of data is crucial for a number of reasons, such as providing services, logging users in, keeping the users safe, measuring and marketing, enabling research, and using new services. If the users however are questioning its effect on privacy, the settings can be easily managed or withdrawn completely in its “manage privacy settings” option, the “privacy and cookie settings” option in most of Yahoo’s platforms, and the Yahoo “privacy dashboard”.

The privacy policy and the cookie policy serve to put the users in control and ensure transparency, which is guaranteed for the users to be able to exercise their rights with respect to their personal data being processed accurately in the best interests across Yahoo services.

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